webattack logo Proxy Switcher Lite is a handy tool to quickly switch between different proxy servers while surfing the internet. It allows you to change the Internet Explorer proxy settings on-the-fly, without having to go into the Properties dialog. You can maintain a list of multiple proxies and switch between them from the system tray. By default, each proxy entry is applied to all protocols, however, advanced users can specify individual protocols by adding a prefix (e.g gopher= Simple, small and effective.
Webattack Editor


lockergnome logo {Change proxy settings} I just found an excellent program to solve the woes of the laptop-wielding business traveler. Some businesses require everyone to connect to the Internet through something called a Proxy Server. Basically, that server surfs the Internet for you and sends you back the information. This is beneficial for many different reasons, some of which are to restrict access to certain types of web sites, as well as providing greater security. What if you are a laptop-wielding sales person from one of these companies that use a Proxy Server, but now you are offsite giving a sales presentation? Of course your current location has a Proxy Server too, so you can't connect to the Internet because your proxy is set to your companies server. You could throw out your company's proxy information or you could download Proxy Switcher Lite. With this application you can configure your company's Proxy Server along with other companies' Proxy Servers and then you just have to right-click an icon in the systray to select the appropriate server. ProxySwitcher Lite even has a profile for "Direct Connection" which is perfect if you use the laptop from home on your home Internet connection.
LockerGnome Editor



June 12, 2023
Maintenance version 7.5.0

November 16, 2022
Version 7.4.0 available

September 8, 2021
Version 7.3.0 has been released

January 31, 2021
Version 7.2.0 has been released

March 17, 2020
Version 7.1.1 available

Popup menu with available proxy list
Proxy Manager Screenshot
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